Installing GLUT from download

1) Download GLUT from here.

2) Install using the following method for Windows:

  • runtime library:
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio *\VC\bin\glut32.dll
    ["Program Files (x86)" for 64-bit Windows; The '*' matches your version of VS: 11.0 for VS2012, 10.0 for VS2010, 9.0 for VS2008]
  • header file:
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio *\VC\include\GL\glut.h
    ["Program Files (x86)" for 64-bit Windows; You have to create the "GL" directory]
  • linker library:
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio *\VC\lib\glut32.lib
    ["Program Files (x86)" for 64-bit Windows]


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